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Q: "Hey James, I read your article on Training for Ectomorphs and have decided to give that routine a try, as I have had trouble gaining on other routines. I was just wondering what your thoughts are on failure and whether or not I should be training to failure on any of the sets?" Much appreciated, Dan My Answer: Well, it depends. If you are completely new to strength training, then going to failure would be good. A newbie needs to develop those neural pathways. However, if you've been seriously training for years, then going to failure would not be a good idea. Intermediate to advanced trainees can tap into larger motor units much better than newbies, because they have been training for a while. If they were to train to failure, then they would exhaust their nervous systems much more than a newbie and their recuperation period would be much greater. This is why really big guys tend to use split routines where they train each body part once or twice a week. What...