Squeezing the Shoulder Blades During the Bench Press

Q: I read your comments on the bench press. I just want to build my chest, and one trainer [said] to squeeze the shoulder blades together while doing it. I don’t feel it in my chest when I do that and felt it more when I don’t squeeze my shoulder blades back. 

Is it necessary to squeeze the shoulder blades together during the bench press and other chest pressing exercises?


My Answer: In Strength and Physique: The Articles, I devote a chapter to 2 different types of bench press: the bodybuilding bench press and the powerlifting bench press.

The powerlifting bench press requires that you squeeze your shoulder blades.  This squeezing of the shoulder blades back stabilizes your body on the bench so that you can push more weight.

The powerlifting bench press, however, is not meant to build the chest.  If you're looking to build the chest, then there is no requirement to squeeze the shoulder blades.  It is simply safer to do so.

Q: I'm currently going through a Police Academy, and I'm having a rough time adapting to the recovery aspect after some of our PT sessions. My fitness background is rooted in traditional barbell training with an emphasis on the big movements - bench, squat, clean, dead lift, and military press. Needless to say, I became a fish out of water when we began PT, and I've been playing catch-up ever since. As you can imagine a great deal of what we do is run. Luckily, we get to do some semi cross fit type of workouts, but overall it's running, push ups and crunches. 

My lungs are nearly up to speed with all of the endurance work now as we approach our 8th week, but I find myself sore for about 3 or 4 days following our more intense sessions. I want to follow my typical post workout recovery protocol from my weight training, but I have no clue if that's going to be productive. I used to have a serving of chewable aminos immediately post workout, followed by a 40 gram protein shake with roughly 30 grams of carbs about 30 minutes later. What are your thoughts on this? I greatly appreciate your feedback and help. 

- Tim P.

 My Answer: For endurance work, you will need to concern yourself with recovery and performance, so your supplementation must address those 2 issues.  Although using bodybuilding supplementation is fine, having a post-workout shake is not really going to address recovery and performance.  In addition to a post-workout drink, I would suggest a beta-alanine supplement.  Beta-alanine increases muscular endurance, which will help you get through the grueling academy PT sessions.



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