Alternating Between the 6 Factors Program and Hypertrophy Training for the Ectomorph

Hi James,

The book Strength and Physique: High Tension Exercises for Muscular Growth is excellent. I am already quite lean, about 10 percent body fat, 5 foot 10, but only 150 pounds. My near term goal is to reach 165 pounds without adding significant fat, so I am eating about 300 calories a day over maintenance and working out 3-4 times a week. Would you recommend alternating the 6 Factors program with a 3-day a week bulking for ectomorphs program? 

S. Wright

My Answer: Yes that would be perfectly fine to do.  The 6 Factors program is a physically demanding routine, so switching to a lower volume, lower frequency ectomorph program allows your body to supercompensate and gain more muscle.


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