New Article at T-Nation: High Tension, Big Muscle

It's been awhile since I've written an article, but I have a new one at T-Nation titled Create Tension, Build More Muscle. This article goes over how to use strength curve trisets and compound sets to fully blast every fiber for maximal muscle growth. Here's a demonstration of a strength curve triset:

Q: "I have put some of your arm training ideas to good use. I have found your training ideas very effective. I am a blinded vet. I can access your info with the use of 'screen reading' software.

"I was wondering about the possibility of an audio version of your latest book? With an audio version of your info, I could get the info independently. I know I would get some great info and effective training ideas. Thanks for all the great info that you put out."

D. Allen

My Answer: Thanks for the high praise. Believe it or not, I've actually had a few people request that I do a podcast or release audio versions of my books and sell them on iTunes. I'm not sure how much of a demand (aside from yourself) there is for audio versions of my books.  My books have a lot of complex workout charts, and I can't imagine those charts coming across well in audio.

In the meantime I have released a number of E-books which you can find on Gumroad and Kindle.


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