High Tension Exercises on Kindle?

Q: Hello, I found your books site off an Amazon search and have several added to my Kindle.  I'm in the middle of one right now, and I'm enjoying it immensely.  I was really interested in the High Tension Exercises book but don't see it available yet as a Kindle book. Any idea if or when it will be???

I saw it available as an E-book from a separate site, but I am pretty sure my wife won't approve of me paying $25 for an E-book. :-(

Was just hoping it would show up on Kindle eventually???

Thanks in advance.
Scott M.

My Answer: Hey, who's the boss, you or your wife?  If you want to buy a $25 E-book, then buy it and prepare to sleep on the couch for a week.  It's worth the investment!  A man's got to have his hobbies.

All kidding aside, thanks for purchasing my Kindle books.  Strength and Physique: High Tension Exercises for Muscular Growth, however, will not be on Kindle.  The book goes over the same material in my previous books, but has the added info of the exercises.


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