When to Use Eccentric Reps

Q: Having finished reading your Neo-Classical Bodybuilding, I noted that in the "Body Contract 2.0" chapter you state, "The problem is negative training is so traumatic that it will that it will knock out testosterone receptors in the trained muscles."

I've been following your Hypertrophy Training for the Ectomorph which is fantastic.  Your article on ectomorph training mentioned not overstressing the nervous system which is more sensitive for ectomorphs. Should ectomorphs keep the time spent on the eccentric/negative portion of their reps to a minimum, i.e. do them a little quicker rather than deliberately slow? Or do ectomorphs need this added muscle engagement time to maximise growth?

Best regards and thanks!


Leeds, England

My Answer: Yes, ectomorphs do need to emphasize eccentric reps to maximize muscle growth, but it is far more complicated than just testosterone receptivity and nervous system recovery.

Negative reps need to be used sparingly, and hence tempo needs to be cycled throughout the program.  Varying tempos elicit varying hormonal and growth responses.  For an ectomorph, you are trying to maximize all channels of hypertrophy. Now when should you emphasize eccentric reps? 

Ultimately it comes down to fiber type. Fast-twitch muscle fibers hypertrophy much more on negative training than slow-twitch fibers.  If you are pushing or pulling heavier weight for lower reps, then you are tapping into fast-twitch muscle fibers.  Hence, lower reps require slower negatives as opposed to high reps.


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