The Mark of Distinction Workout
I hate it when assholes work out in the gym. You know the ones I'm talking about: they put 800 pounds on the leg press, move it a few inches and grunt and scream like some gym demon. Then they walk around like some badass, and that you best stay out of their way. Being a badass in the gym means just that: you're a badass only in the gym. Just because you can do pressdowns with the entire weight stack doesn't mean anything in the outside world. A true badass in the gym does a hard exercise and does the hard work and hard time to improve on the lift. It's not about comparing your poundages with some other guy's poundages. Otherwise you might as well drop your pants and bring out the rulers. The following is what I call "the Mark of Distinction" workout. If you can do the following, then you have the right to call yourself a badass in the gym. if you cannot, then shut your pie hole when you do your half presses on the bench press. I've...