
Showing posts from April, 2008

Shock Techniques for the Chest

Q:  I read your article Wingspan Workouts at, and I’m going to do them tomorrow for the first time. I’m curious what the effect will be on my back. But more curious I am if you have such 'Shock Techniques' for the chest, because this is the place where I need mass the most! I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks. Kindest regards, Aschwin V.D. The Netherlands (Europe) My Answer: Aschwin, do Europeans usually put "Europe" after their country of residence? I only ask that, because it's the second time I've seen this. Anyway, to answer your question of what effect the workouts will have on your back: 1) INCREDIBLE SORENESS 2) INCREDIBLE SIZE AND WIDTH These workouts will widen your lats and give you the V-taper. These workouts are tough, but if you stick with them, then you will develop some major width in your physique. These workouts are not meant for back thickness, however. One word of advice: each is a separate workout. ...

Hammer curls: Incline or Standing?

Q:  I've been trying your Shotgun/Troubleshooting routine for a month now with a carb-cycling approach: I gained more than 8 pounds with an increase of only 1% of my body fat.  Thanks for the awesome program! - Mathieu My Answer: Glad you're getting results off it, Mathieu. The Shotgun Method is a solid mass gainer routine that allows you to address any weak points in your physique as well. Those of you curious about it should buy Strength and Physique: The Articles and check it out. Q:  Loved the article Arm Training Assault ! I've just started in on it. One question: in the main text it reads, 'Friday: A1) Hammer curls (10 sets) 4 reps, 60 seconds rest' and the hyperlink displays a popup of Standing Hammer Curls. But on the printable log for Friday it reads, 'Incline hammer curls.'  I went with the Standing Hammer Curls (mainly because someone was on the incline bench). Out of interest, which should it be: standing or inclin...

Training the Long Head of the Triceps

Q: A quick note of thanks to you for your arm training from your book . I just finished one month of the routine that you outlined for biceps and triceps. The direct heavy work on my bi's and the work for the long head of the tri's really 'plumped' out my upper arm. I really enjoy the comments from others who noticed.  I am a 48 year old 'blinded vet' who has been training for 25 years. Decent arms but we always want more, right? Thanks for all the useful info. Sincerely, D. A. My Answer: Glad you're liking the results from the program. If people are noticing your big guns, then you've done me proud. Q: I know in your articles, that you like the lying triceps extension to work the long head of the triceps. I read [from your articles] that it is better to have the upper arm angled back towards the top of the head, rather than perpendicular to the torso and the extension is also at an angle, rather than straight up. So what do yo...

Vince Gironda's exercises

Those of you who've purchased and read Strength and Physique: The Articles know that I'm a big fan of Vince Gironda. If all roads lead to Rome, then Vince was Rome when it came to the whole spectrum of bodybuilding knowledge: everything from diet, exercises to program design. But while Vince was the Iron Guru of all aspects of bodybuilding knowledge, what really makes him stand out head and shoulders above everybody else in bodybuilding history are his exercises: The Neck Press Perfect curls and Body drag curls