Train Briefly, Intensely and Frequently
Q: I'm one of your blog readers and bought your Strength and Physique: The Articles , back in March this year. I've been meaning to drop you a line and comment on the articles but never got round to it (yeah, I know, it's horrible). Anyhow, I was just reading your blog and came across your post on Hypertrophy Training for the Ectomorphs . Wow, what a revelation it was for me! I was going to ask you about specific training for a typical lean Asian guy. (For the record, I'm 5'9 and weigh 63 kg.) I knew there were difference between the three body types, and some how I need to approach weight training differently. As I read the Ectomorph article , I'm beginning to see why I've been having trouble gaining weight, while my peers would bulk up much easier than I do. From now on, I will apply the principle of 'Training briefly, intensely but frequently,' and the 10-8-6-15 program. Previously, I was training for too long, on too many body pa...