Barbell Only Workout
Just a heads up: head out to your Barnes and Noble bookstore and pick up the latest issue of Planet Muscle . In it I have an article called "Heavy-Light Training." "Hello, can you give me a routine for the 10-8-6-15 program using just a barbell? All I have is a cage, a bench, an Olympic barbell and 300 lbs, no dumbbells. I can no longer go to a gym." Thanks for your time and help. - W.L. My Answer- You can still build a very impressive physique based solely on barbells and body weight exercises. Here's what I suggest: A) Squats- 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 15 reps; 2 minutes rest. B) Bench press- 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 15 reps; 90 seconds rest. C) Pull-ups or Barbell rows- 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 15 reps; 90 seconds rest. D) Wide grip barbell upright rows- 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 15 reps; 1 minute rest. E) Barbell curls- 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 15 reps; 90 seconds rest. F) Close grip bench press- 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 15 reps; 90 seconds rest. Q: I have...