Exercise and Diet Myths
Q: James, I know I email the crap out of you, but I wanted to say thank you. I have never looked as good as I do now. All the respect to you. -Brad My Answer: Thanks for the high praise, and kudos to you for sticking to my training principles. A training program is only as good as the trainee's commitment to the program. I run into a lot of people who ask for advice all the time, but can never commit to acting on that advice. It's kind of frustrating when I tell people to quit drinking sugary drinks, and they're sitting in front of me slurping a Monster energy drink saying, "I don't know why I can't lose fat." It's not so much that people lack discipline that frustrates me. I can understand when people don't want to work out or don't want to diet, because I myself lack discipline on things other than exercise. Hell, plenty of people have seen me eat a pizza or a bag of chips and said, "Hey James, I thought you were M...