Squat Alternatives
I'm already a big fan of your training methods, and now I'm trying to build my own training program. After testing some of your training methods I've discovered that the 10-8-6-15 works the best for me to build muscle mass. I'm an ecto, even now I'm not too skinny anymore. I've achieved a good physique, and now I'm trying just to "finish" the quest. What I mean is to keep up with the muscle building but burning some fat. I'm already at 8-10% body fat, so its just a matter of training to keep the results and keep going until I get to my goal. So with my experience and your books, I've planned 3 routines, and I want your opinion which you think will work best, and of course some tips if ts possible. Here we go: The 1st Option 8x8 method, but with a compound/super set system and aerobics (HIIT) for legs 3 times a week / Bench press \ Lat pulldown / Dumbbell shoulder press \ Upright row / Biceps EZ bar \ Lying triceps E...