
Showing posts from July, 2014

Warming up for the 3-5 Method

Q: I have done the 5x5 workout and that was killer! What I was told was to do 3-4 exercises for large body parts and 1-2 for small. I see there are many different explanations of this 5x5 routine. How do you utilize it? Recently I did your routine from (the Size and Strength workout ), and it was good. I have a question. Doing the third week how do you do the sets? Do you do a warm up and then go right to the weight you can do for 3 reps?  The last question is where do I go from here? I have all your books in paperback form. I liked doing the Shotgun Method and quite frankly all of the ones I tried I liked. I still have some body fat to get rid of. I want to get to that classic bodybuilder physique, and I feel I am closing in on it with the great info from your books. My Answer:  The thing about warming up is that warm-up sets should activate the nervous system but not tire you out.  A lot of people do warm-up sets like this: 12 to ...

Exercises to Develop Grip Strength

Here are some exercises to develop grip strength. For more forgotten exercises, check out STRENGTH AND PHYSIQUE: HIGH TENSION EXERCISES FOR MUSCULAR GROWTH on Amazon and as an E-book:

Dumbbell Circles

Dumbbell lateral circles work all three deltoid heads. Be sure to use a light weight when performing this exercise. For more high tension exercises check out STRENGTH AND PHYSIQUE: HIGH TENSION EXERCISES FOR MUSCULAR GROWTH available on Amazon and as an E-book:

Wall Curls

Here's a forgotten way of doing strict barbell curls. Simply perform barbell curls with your back against the wall and this will minimize any cheating. Wall curls target the biceps much harder. For more forgotten exercises, check out STRENGTH AND PHYSIQUE: HIGH TENSION EXERCISES FOR MUSCULAR GROWTH on Amazon and as an E-book:

Stiff arm kickbacks for the Lats

The stiff arm kickback is a good finisher exercise for the lats. The movement is similar to a stiff arm pulldown and forces the lats to contract very hard. For more high tension exercises and exercise combinations check out STRENGTH AND PHYSIQUE: HIGH TENSION EXERCISES FOR MUSCULAR GROWTH available on Amazon and as an E-Book:

Jerry Telle Incline Lateral Raises
