Can you do cardio on "off" days?
Q: I did your Hypertrophy Training for the Ectomorph (HTE) program last fall during my first semester of law school. I had lost a ton of weight the year prior and weighed only 170 lbs. despite being 6'3" and normally weighing closer to 200 lbs.. After doing the program all fall and stuffing myself with as much healthy, clean food as possible, I ended the semester weighing 217 pounds when I went home for winter break. I began a different program in the spring and got up to 228 lbs. by the time we had to leave campus for COVID. I had my body fat tested and found I was lean as all hell at just 10.8%, which was surprising because I felt I was pretty bloated, but I probably overdid it with the creatine and was carrying some extra water weight. Anyway, I loved doing the program and the results speak for themselves. After having to move back home when classes got cancelled this spring, I had no access to weightlifting equipment and decided to focus more on cardio and body weight e...