Heavy Partials for the Tall Lifter

Q: I have just read your article on bodybuilding.com regarding the pyramid training. I've been lifting for about 6 months now. I still consider myself a newbie and am strongly considering using your workout plan. 

I have a few questions: If I am trying to put on size (bulk) would this be a good regimen to follow? If so, Should I stop doing deadlifts? I am 6'3, and deadlifts are VERY hard for me to do. I usually do 3/4 deadlifts. I really appreciate any input you have towards my quest in bulking this winter. It's been hard to figure what to do. It gets really frustrating not seeing the gains that I had hoped for.

Thanks again.

My Answer: The 10-8-6-15 program would be a good bulking program if you eat a lot protein and calories. But at 6'3", you have special issues as a newbie. Us shorter guys have shorter limbs, so when we pack on muscle, it looks impressive. For taller, longer-limbed lifters such as yourself, that same amount of muscle mass gets spread out over a larger skeletal frame. You have to gain much more weight than the shorter guy just to look buff.

Plus, as you alluded to, people with long-limbs have poor leverages and don't do so well on exercises such as deadlifts. For taller lifters, I usually recommend a program combination of full range and partial movements. The 10-8-6-15 program calls for squats instead of deadlifts, as squats are superior to deadlifts in regards to thigh hypertrophy. You will still have problems doing full squats, because of your height, but that's OK. Just do full range squatting at the 10 rep mark and the 15 rep mark. For the 8 rep mark and the 6 rep mark, squat down as far as you can go in good form. This way you get a combination of full range and partial movements.

Q: I just read your article Return to Copland and had a few questions. I am going into a December 19th sheriff academy, and I am roughly 14 weeks away. I was planning on doing your routine. I wanted to ask you if you had any other tips, training or routine to do maybe after doing this routine for 5 weeks, or repeat it? I will definitely do the running, pull ups, pushups, and deadlifts. 

My current fitness levels are quite high. Maybe you can recommend some intensity tips or routine that will make the academy (at a physical level) easier? I can do around 15-18 wide grip pull ups, 63 push ups (complete, with good form) in a minute, 300m run in 46 seconds. Do you have any other tips or anything you can help me,or give me advice for me to be more than ready?

Thank you,
Christian A.

My Answer: I give you everything in the article, and you want MORE? Christian, as far as physical performance in the academy, you're going to be fine. Find out what your academy puts you through physically, and practice the pursuit exercises they will put you through. The SFPD Academy had a few 6 foot walls that we regularly jumped over, so if your academy has walls to jump, then start learning the techniques to jump them if you find them difficult. Ideally you want to jump the wall quickly but not provide much of a target for the suspect to shoot at. Good luck!


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