Hot Wings

Q: Hey James, hope this finds you well. In reading your first book, you recommend doing straight arm pulldowns for the 'V' shape. I don't have access to a lat machine, as I train at home. Is there a replacement movement?

-Greg S. 

My Answer: If you're working out at home, and you don't have a cable machine, then you can substitute barbell rows for the stiff-arm pulldowns. For these barbell rows, however, you should use an underhand grip on an EZ-curl bar. It's not the greatest back exercise, but after pull-ups and pullovers, any back exercise will make your lats burn.


Q: I recently discovered your Complete Strength Athlete routine on and have started it. I noticed it was posted 4 years ago, and had a couple questions. 

1. Is there anything you would do different now? 
2. Would you add cardio to the program? If so, how? 

If you have the time to answer either question, I would greatly appreciate it. 

Thanks a lot, 

My Answer: The original Complete Strength Athlete program is from Tactics and Strategies. The original version has a different set of exercises.  The editors of changed the program to have easier exercises, so this article version is different from the original in the book.

The essence of the Complete Strength Athlete program is this: power lifts for limit strength, the Olympic lifts for explosive power, calisthenics for strength endurance, and interval training for conditioning.

In other words, do sprint intervals for cardio.

Do powerlifting to work on your maximal strength: bench press, deadlift, squats. 

Do Olympic style lifting for explosive strength: clean and jerk, power cleans, etc.

Do calisthenics for strength endurance: pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, one-legged squats, hanging leg raises.

Q: "Questions about routine: Should I avoid cardio altogether? When should I do ab workouts? Should I avoid dips, box jumps and deadlifts? I weigh 150lbs. How much calories should I be looking to eat per day in order to achieve growth?"

-Illin' BMW

My Answer: Let me guess... you don't believe in introductions and foreplay with women, huh?

Anyway, I don't know what your background is or which one of my programs you want to try. Let me assume you're referring to Hypertrophy Training for the Ectomorph. So let me be as brief with you as you are with me:

As much as you can ingest without throwing up.


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