BCAA's and Glutamine for Cardio

Q: Hey James, Need a second opinion on this: currently on my cardio days I do 20 minutes of barbell/dumbbell complex training and then 20 minutes of moderate intensity cardio (walking, elliptical, etc). Aim is conditioning and of course fat loss =) 

I've been advised that on my cardio days I only need to take BCAA's and glutamine during my session as there is no need for it pre and post [supplementation], because I'm not really going through complete muscle breakdown during these sessions. Taking into account what my cardio session consists of, is this correct or should I be taking at least BCAA's pre and post also? 

Thanks mate, 

My Answer: I think you can go either way. The issue is cost. Taking all those pills can be quite expensive. So if you want to take a single dose of BCAA's and glutamine for cardio, then that's perfectly fine. I don't think it's going to make that much of a difference if you added the pre and post workout dosages for your cardio and conditioning workouts. But if you have the money, then knock yourself out.


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