Q: What's your opinion on the 5x5 training programs? They are very well liked by many. Also, because of tight hamstrings, I like leg presses better than squats. Are leg presses effective? Squats are very useful and build overall strength. Can the same be said about leg presses? -CS My Answer: The 5x5 is a solid program and has been around for a long, long time. Of all the programs floating around in the gym, it is second to the 10-8-6-15 program as far as popularity. But while the 5x5 is a solid program by itself, it works even better as a decompression program, which I go over in Strength and Physique: The Articles . As far as leg presses, it really depends on what your goal is. If you're an athlete looking to gain real world strength and size, then the leg press won't do anything for you unless you're a speed skater. If you're just concerned about size and nothing else, then the leg press is good choice, even better than the squat. Q: ...