Rest Periods on the Ectomorph Program
Q: I'm Mike from Taiwan. I'm a college student majoring in medicine. I'm a standard ectomorph who only weighed 48kg at my freshman year (I am about 172 cm). Eager to gain muscle mass and be stronger, I started weight training. I have been doing weight training for a year. Now I am 56kg. Yet after I read your article , I am really interesting in trying it. I struggle at my plateau now, and I want to change to this program. All my training methods are from the net and someone whose body shape is what I want to be. Here are my exercies: CHEST DAY: Smith (Inclined) bench press Dumbbell (Inclined & Declined )bench press Flys (Upper & Middle) Cable cross-over (Upper, Middle, and Lower) I choose three exercises and do about 6 sets of 8-10 reps. Usually I do 3 sets of 6 reps back to back as my maximum. I rest 1-2 minutes between sets. So my workout day is 15-18 sets. BACK DAY: Lat pull down Seated row machine One arm dumbbell row The...