Cardio on the Complete Strength Athlete Program

Q: Hi, I would like to know: how often should I do cardio on your workout on called Become A Complete Athlete?

Thank you!
- Julien

My Answer: If you want to incorporate cardio into the Complete Strength Athlete program, then I would suggest 2 cardio sessions a week, preferably as separate workouts. If you've read my previous blog posts, then you should know that I recommend sprint intervals. Twenty to thirty minute max.


Julezzz said…
Thank you very much !

And if I want to lose weight, should I do the same thing ?
J said…
Losing weight requires dieting. There are other strength training programs designed for fat loss. The Complete Strength program is about complete strength, not fat loss.
Julezzz said…
Yeah thats what I was thinking. Thank you very much !

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