Power, Strength, Endurance, Mobility

Q: I only have two 20 pound weights and nothing else. I was wondering what exercise routines you would suggest without weights. Thank you for your time.



My Answer: Well if you're going to do calisthenics, then you should be doing variations of pull-ups, push-ups, dips, ab exercises and body weight squats.  This requires that you have access to a pull-up/dip station.  So you should either buy one, or you can workout at a playground or a workout station in a park.

You may be able to build your chest and triceps with push-ups, and you may be able to build up your thighs with body weight squats.  But you won't be able to build up your back without free weights, machines or a pull-up station.

I have a chapter in Neo-Classical Bodybuilding which goes over body weight only training. The general rule with body weight training is that you choose exercises in which you can perform anywhere from 3-20 reps.   If you can do more than 20 reps, then you need to perform a more difficult variation to bring the reps down to the hypertrophy zone of 3-20.  If you can't do at least 3 reps, then you need to find an easier exercise for that muscle group.

So if you can't do pull-ups, then try inverted rows instead:

Keep in mind there is a BIG difference between the size and strength you build between inverted rows and pull-ups.  So I strongly urge you to do pull-ups.

With regards to push-ups, most men who are fit can do over 20, so consider making it more difficult.  Side to side push-ups (aka Typewriter push-ups) create a lot of tension in the pectoral muscles, so it's a good intermediate level exercise to add to your program:

Dips are also excellent chest and triceps builder. You can perform them on 2 chairs.  Just make sure the chairs are stabilized with some weight:

Now for legs, you can do body weight squats, but I find that you can easily do well over 20 reps, even if you squatted ass to the grass.  So try to work on one-legged squats:

If you cannot do full-range one legged squats, then go halfway down on to a bench or chair instead.  Work your way deeper and deeper over time by squatting on to shorter chair or box.  Eventually you'll be able to perform full-range one-legged squats.

Q: I just read an article you wrote on a workout routine for police. I'm a deputy sheriff and k9 handler. I live and work in a very rural county. We have tons of meth users who like to fight. I would like to add more strength to my workouts. I'm 6'2 220 lbs. I started working out again a few months ago. What else could I add or change to make me stronger. Also I bench 215 for 3 reps. I feel like my core is not as strong as it should be. Any help would be great


My Answer: Police work involves explosive strength (i.e. baton strikes), slow strength (i.e. wrestling) and strength endurance (i.e. chasing a suspect).  So you need to work all three factors in addition to joint mobility and stability.

My own workouts are a combination of the power lifts (bench press, deadlift and squat variations), explosive lifts (kettlebell clean and press, snatches), calisthenics (pull-up variations, dips, hanging leg raise and one arm pushups) and joint mobility exercises (Turkish get-ups, kettlebell windmills).

If you have a weak core, then do some anti-rotational exercises like Russian twists on a Landmine:


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