Body Weight Face Pull for Side Deltoids

Q: "It's an honor being able to contact you via email. Whenever I read one of your writings, I am impressed. I'd like to ask you a question regarding shoulder health. Do you think it's important to balance out vertical pushes (like shoulder presses) with pulls (like pull-ups) as well as horizontal pushes (like bench press) with pulls (like seated rows or dumbbell rows)?

"In other words: if I do military presses, do I also have to do pulldowns, pull-ups, or chin-ups? If I do bench presses, do I also have to do seated rows? I've read that this was important to avoid shoulder injuries due to lack of balance (rotator cuff, etc.)."

Thanks for your time, Sir!

My Answer: Yes and no. How's that for an answer, huh? Anyway, what I mean is that for shoulder stability, yes, you do need to have movements that balance each other out. But it's not necessarily in the manner that you're describing. For example, to counterbalance horizontal pushing (bench press), you can perform an equal number of sets and reps on a horizontal pulling movement (cable rows) OR use a deadlift variation. Keeping your shoulders down and retracting them back during the deadlift will help stabilize your shoulders just as much, if not more, than rowing movements.

Do you need to include all four directions of movement to maintain optimal shoulder health? No, you don't. You could leave out the horizontal pressing and concentrate on the other three movements and your shoulder health would improve quite a bit. So if you did military presses, pull-ups and seated cable rows, but no bench presses, then your shoulder health would be A-OK.

Q: "Do you think 8 sets of 2-3 chin-ups 3 times a week would be a better alternative to 3 sets of 3 reps done 5 days out of the week? That would mean 24 chin-ups 3 times a week. If I follow another training routine, like barbell curls 2-3 times a week, I suppose 8x2-3 chin-ups might be too much."

My Answer: For both size AND strength, 8x3 would be a better option. Your first option 3x3 would be good only for strength.

Q: "I really need some help, I would like to know what you think of my current workout:

Monday: Biceps & Back
-Every set weight is increased by 5.
-EZ Curls 3x8,
-Incline Curls 3x8,
-Preacher Curls 2x8 then a drop set with half the weight and 15 reps. And one more set with more weight.
-Hammer Curls 3x8,

-Lat Pulldowns 3x8,
-Barbell Rows 3x8,
-Cable Rows, 2x8,
-V-bar Pulldowns 3x8

Tuesday: Chest
-Bench Press 5x5 With all one weight,
-Incline Bench Press 5x5 With all one weight,
-Incline Dumbell Press 5x5 With all one weight,
-Dumbell Pullovers 5x5 With all one weight,

Wednesday: Shoulders & Triceps
-Seated Barbell Military Press 5x5 With all one weight,
-Front Raises 5x5 With all one weight,
-Side Raises 5x5 With all one weight,
-Shrugs 5x5 With all one weight,

-Skull Crushers 5x5 With all one weight,
-Triceps Pulldown 5x5 With all one weight,
-Close Grip Bench Press 5x5 With all one weight.

Thursday: Bi's & Back
-Every set weight is increased by 5
-Dumbbell Curls 3x8,
-Hammer Curls 3x8,

-Lat Pulldowns 3x8,
-Barbell Rows 3x8,
-Cable Rows 3x8,
-V-Bar Pulldowns 3x8,

Friday : Chest
-Bench Press 5x5 With one weight,
-Incline Bench Press 5x5 With one weight,
-Incline Chest Flies 5x5 With one weight,
-Flat Bench Flyes 5x5 With one weight,

Saturday: Legs when I have time. Ha-ha, I know it's bad.

Sunday: Rest

"Once again I apologize if I'm being a nuisance, but I would just like some advice from someone with knowledge. So I would like to know what you think of my workout if you don't mind. Thank you!"

My Answer: Two things: 1) Work your legs more and 2) don't do biceps before back.

Q: "I apologize for asking so many questions, but I just want to make sure I get the most effective workout. It seems that your Hypertrophy Training for Ectomorphs workout doesn't hit the different areas of each muscle. Like your only hitting one spot of the biceps and one spot of the pectoralis. I'm not insulting what you know. I'm just curious, because it doesn't seem like this would give me anymore size since I do most of those exercises already."

-Alessandro T.

My Answer: If the article didn't explain everything to you, then don't do the workout.


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