Nordic Curl Regressions

Q: What are other good exercises for the hamstring other than deadlift? I have a home gym but I don’t have a lying leg raise machine. Thanks.

My Answer: In the hamstring chapter of High Tension Exercises for Muscular Growth, I list out the best hamstring builders.  They are categorized as either leg curl variations or deadlift variations.  If you don’t have access to leg curl machines, then you can still build some rather thick bundles of steel just from the floor glute-ham raise, a.k.a. Nordic curl.

The Nordic curl is a body weight exercise that resembles the leg curl, but it is extremely tough to do.  It requires that you have a training partner to hold your legs down, or you can secure your ankles underneath a heavy piece of equipment.  You slowly lower your torso under control.  When your body reaches the floor, push off in an explosive manner and do another rep.  You might only do 1-3 reps.


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